
1. Website management

Add a website, enter the website name and domain, and select the appropriate rating

Ads can be placed after the review of the addition of the website.

Display ads

Display ads can be placed by simply entering the unit name, and the advertising display can be previewed in real time on the left side.

The display size can be adjusted automatically through adaptive size according to the location of the ad unit.

The size can be customized according to various demands and the ad unit size can be set by Quick Select.

2. News feed ads

Four types of news feed ads are available

After selecting the type, you can configure the advertising display.

The configuration options include unit name, global option, picture, title, instruction/description, website address, and button

The preview of the display in real time is on the left.

3. Inline ads

Same as news feed ads.

4. Multiple ads

Same as news feed ads.

5.Get the ad code

Click the Get ad code button.

The copied code will appear when it is placed in the appropriate place on the site.

Last updated