Getting Started Guide


To integrate and display Adx3 ads, integrating the SDK into the application and completing the relevant initialization configuration are needed. After integration, you can select multiple ad formats for integrated display. Please follow the document's rules and steps to implement them.


Complete the preliminary preparation according to the following steps:

Requirement Version Condition

  • Ensure Android Studio 3.2 or higher

  • MinSdkVersion is 21 or higher compileSdkVersion is 28 or higher

Download the latest version of the SDK

Apply for SDK application and advertising ID in the SSP management background

Configure your app

  1. Integrate the AAR application package to the project level libs folder

  2. Build at your project level and dependency configuration in gradle file

    repositories {
        flatDir {
            dirs 'libs'    
  3. Add aar package references to different dependencies of the project api fileTree(dir: 'libs', include: ['*.aar'])

  4. Add aar package dependency at the application level build.gradle implementation(name: 'adx3sdk',ext:'aar')

  5. Add network permissions to the application-level AndroidManifest registration file <uses-permission android:name="android.permission.INTERNET" />

Initialize advertising SDK

Please call Adx3Ads.Initialize() before loading advertisements, is best carried out in, so that the SDK can be initialized quickly without affecting the quick start of advertisements such as screen opening. This method only needs to be initialized once and does not need to be executed later. The following code example demonstrates how to use it in Applicaiton


import io.Adx3.library.Adx3Ads;

public class AdApplication extends Application {

    public void onCreate() {
        //SSP system provides sdk management code
        Adx3Ads.initialize(this, CODE);

As mentioned above, you have completed the initialization of the advertising SDK. Later, you can display different types of advertisements according to different advertising formats

Select ad format

Last updated